Continued Growth Through Ongoing Research & Learning
OCNE Research
One of the OCNE Committees is deadicated for Research & Evaluation. OCNE frequently evaluates ours own consortium, our members, and our graduating students, as a mechanism of continual improvement. We have contributed to many major national publications and we are currently involved in three research projects.
OCNE Clinical Competency Assessment Tool (OCCAT)
In the 2018-19 academic year, the committee rolled out a new clinical assessment tool, the OCNE Clinical Competency Assessment Tool (OCCAT). CTA and faculty satisfaction with the new tool was evaluated after spring term 2019. The quantitative analysis of the data is complete, the qualitative part is under review. The quantitative results show the CTAs and OCNE faculty were overall very satisfied with the tool. Qualitative findings for the satisfaction survey will be completed early next year. The final step in completing this project will be evaluation of reliability of the OCCAT tool itself, pending funding for this project, with subsequent publication of the findings.
Ongoing Grants & Current Research
Advancing Health Equity through Student Empowerment & Professional Success (HealthE STEPS)
OHSU School of Nursing has been awarded a special grant to enroll, empower and graduate students from backgrounds typically underrepresented in Nursing, including students from ethnic and racial minority groups, to improve health equity within our communities through professional nursing practice.
The HealthE STEPS program provides funding and academic support for pre-nursing and nursing students on select campuses. Learn more here.
Failing to Fail in Schools of Nursing: A Qualitative Exploration
Angela Docherty, Nurs.D.,M.P.H., RN, Assistant Professor at our Monmouth campus received the Dorothy Otto Research Award grant from the National League for Nursing (NLN). This grant is one of NLN’s Nursing Education Research Grants. The funding is for one year to allow her to look at the issue of grading practices. It is a follow up to a survey she did last year looking at ‘failing to fail’ across a number of nursing schools.
Selected Publications
- Cato, M. L., Lasater, K., and Peeples, A. I. (2009). Nursing Students’ Self-Assessment of Their Simulation Experiences. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(2), 105-108.
- Driggers, B., & Shaver, K. S. (2005). Dreams to reality (almost): the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: statewide integration of high fidelity manikin based simulation. Communicating Nursing Research, 38, 127-127.
- Eddy, L. L. (2005). Dreams to reality (almost): the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: mutuality and reciprocity: keys to decreasing the nursing faculty shortage. Communicating Nursing Research, 38, 128-128.
- Gaines, B. C., & Harris, P. (2005). Dreams to reality (almost): the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: faculty development: new approaches for new pedagogies. Communicating Nursing Research, 38, 126-126.
- Gaines, B. C., & Spencer, A. G. (2013). Developing the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: The back story. Journal of Professional Nursing : Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 29(4), 197-202. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.05.001
- Gubrud-Howe, P., & Schoessler, M. (2008). Guest editorial. From random access opportunity to a clinical education curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 47(1), 3-4
- Gubrud, P. M. and Schoessler, M. (2009). OCNE Clinical Education Model. In Ard, N., & Valliga, T. M. (Eds.), Clinical Nursing Education: Current Reflections, (pp. 39-58),New York, NY: National League for Nursing.
- Gubrud, P., Spencer, A. G., & Wagner, L. (2017). From Start-up to Sustainability: A Decade of Collaboration to Shape the Future of Nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(5), 225-232.
- Herinckx, H., Munkvold, J. P., Winter, E., & Tanner, C. A. (2014). A measure to evaluate classroom teaching practices in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives, 35(1), 30-36.
- Lasater, K., and Nielsen, A. (2009). The Influence of Concept-Based Learning Activities on Students’ Clinical Judgment Development. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 441-446.
- Lasater, K., & Nielsen, A. (2009). Reflective Journaling for Clinical Judgment Development and Evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(1), 40-44.
- Magnussen, L., Niederhauser, V., Ono, C., Johnson, N., Vogler, J., & Ceria-Ulep, C. (2013). Developing a Statewide Nursing Consortium, Island Style. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(2), 77-84. doi:10.3928/01484834-20130114-01.
- Munkvold, J., Tanner, C. A., & Herinckx, H. (2012). Factors affecting the academic progression of associate degree graduates.The Journal of Nursing Education, 51(4), 232-235. doi:10.3928/01484834-20120224-04 [doi].
- Nielsen, A. E., Noone, J., Voss, H., & Mathews, L. R. (2013). Preparing nursing students for the future: an innovative approach to clinical education. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(4), 301-309. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2013.03.015 [doi].
- Noone, J. (2009). Innovative Learning Activity. Evidence-Based Practice to Outcomes Management: Spiraled Learning Activities, Part II. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 472.
- Noone, J. (2009). Teaching to the Three Apprenticeships: Designing Learning Activities for Professional Practice in an Undergraduate Curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 468-471.
- Noone, J., Bromley, T., McKenzie, G., Naumes, S., Sideras, S., & Voss, H. (2013). Implementing cultural learning activities through community and academic partnerships. In L. Caputi (Ed.) Innovations in nursing education: Building the future of nursing (pp.61-73). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
- Noone, J., Sideras S., Gubrud-Howe, P., Voss, H. & Mathews, L.R. (2012). Influence of a poverty simulation on nursing student attitudes towards poverty. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(11), 617-622. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20120914-01
- Noone, J., Sideras, S. A., & Ross, A. M. (2009). Evidence-Based Practice to Outcomes Management: Spiraled Learning Activities, Part I. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(7), 416.
- OCNE strives to increase number of nurses. (2007). Oregon State Board of Nursing Sentinel, 26(1), 2-2.
- Northrup-Snyder, K., Menkens, R. M. & Dean, M. (2017). Student competency perceptions from Associate degree to Bachelor degree completion. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(10), 581-590.
- Ostrogorsky, T. L., & Raber, A. M. (2014). Experiences of first-year nursing students during an education redesign: findings from the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 35(2), 115-121.
- Ross, A. M., Noone, J., Luce, L. L., & Sideras, S. A. (2009). Spiraling Evidence-Based Practice and Outcomes Management Concepts in an Undergraduate Curriculum: A Systematic Approach. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(6), 319-326.
- Ross, A. M., McKenzie, G., & Noone, J. (2010). Overview: spiraling evidence-based practice in the OCNE curriculum. Communicating Nursing Research, 43, 160-160.
- Ross, A. N., & Salveson, C. (2009). Building RN/BS bridge/transition courses to the OCNE curriculum. Communicating Nursing Research, 42, 236-236.
- Sideras, S., McKenzie, G., Noone. J., Markle, D., Frazier, M. & Sullivan, M. (2013). Making simulation come alive: Standardized patient in undergraduate education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(6), 421-425.
- Shores, L., & Gabrud-Howe, P. (2005). Dreams to reality (almost): the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: transforming nursing education in Oregon. Communicating Nursing Research, 38, 125-125.
- Tanner, C. (2005). Dreams to reality (almost): the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: overview. Communicating Nursing Research, 38, 124-124.
- Tanner, C. A. (2007). Nursing education: current themes, puzzles and paradoxes. Communicating Nursing Research, 40, 3-14.
- Tanner, C. A., Gubrud-Howe, P., & Shores, L. (2008). The Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education: A Response to the Nursing Shortage. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 9(3), 203-209.
- Tanner, C. A. (2010). Transforming Prelicensure Nursing Education: Preparing the New Nurse to Meet Emerging Health Care Needs. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(6), 347-353.