Support and Funding
The funding that OCNE has recieved is a commitment to building a strong consortium focused on improving the education of nursing students and has taken the idea of OCNE and turned it into a robust consortium that has benefitted the health and lives of all Oregonians through the students that have become nurses that care for their patients.
OCNE would like to thank the organizations that have provided funding
Each consortium school is responsible for support of their program, including instruction, administration, staffing, and other services.
In addition to in-kind support exceeding $3 million from OHSU and community colleges, OCNE has received generous backing – a total of more than $4 million – from the following:
Support & Funding
Backed initial development of the curriculum and consortium infrastructure; supported initial work on clinical education redesign; continues to contribute to strengthening OCNE and advocating support from potential funders.

Supported OCNE infrastructure as we moved to permanent funding; funded Clinical Education Redesign pilot projects, and planning for the Integrative Practicum.

Supported statewide focus groups on strengths and weaknesses in current model of clinical education; hosted a statewide consensus conference on clinical education redesign; supported clinical education redesign pilot projects.

Funded development of two senior-level courses on OHSU campuses and distance delivery at community colleges.

Supported faculty development for OCNE leaders on each campus related to curriculum and instructional approaches.

Funded summer faculty development workshops in 2007 and 2008 and the development of standard faculty orientation.

Facilitated staff nurse training as clinical teaching associates for Integrative Practicum on 13 campuses.

(through Simulation Alliance)
Supported simulation capacity at OCNE campuses.

Supported a comprehensive program evaluation of the OCNE Curriculum and the development of a fidelity scale to assist in replication of OCNE to other states.

Funded further development and program evaluation of OCNE Clinical Education Redesign.

Funded student participation and poster printing for attendence at the OCNE May Conference.